Y.C. Nova Portea

We are yearclub Nova Portea and we were founded on the 13th of December. We consist of six enthusiastic girls who enjoy spending time together. Our yearclub is open minded, festive and we love new challenges. We are a group that complements each other which is why we came together.

Our name means ‘new doors’ because we are always open to new adventures. We dance and laugh together and support and love each other. Besides that, we love a good party. And once in a while, we love to enjoy our signature drink: Pornstar martini

We are well on our way with our motto: Enduring friendships that last a lifetime and are a source of joy and support throughout the journey of life.

‘Together we create the key to our success’

Jasmijn Westein, Lonne Gundlach, Lorena Matos van Doorn, Hanna Busz, Liz Keeman, Merel Hoogstad

Est. 13th of December 2023

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