Y.C. Iubentium

Hi there!

We are Year Club Iubentium, founded on the 8th of December 2021. We are 6 enthusiastic girls who love to have drinks and plan fun activities together. In only a short time we have created a strong bond and a connection to last a lifetime. Iubentium stands for ‘cheers’ in Latin. We are all outgoing, and social and we like to meet new people. Don’t be afraid to meet us for a cold gin & tonic!
On Wednesday we are at Old Dutch, our beloved pub.


Esmée Hoekstra, Annabel Ham, Fienke Reitsma, Frederique van der Sloot, Flory Tompot, Lotte de Waal and Lotte Oostrom

Est. 8th of December 2021

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