Y.C. Turba

We are Y.C. Turba. 11 gents who provide each other solidarity, unity and honesty. We are your uproar and disturbance of the daily grind. These 11 men, are always capable of escalating things 11 times so hard with anything related to sociality and do so with shouting our motto in unison. We live by the rule; ‘’The worst thing that can happen, is you learn a lesson’’. With that we learn, experience and laugh. You can recognize us on the Wednesday by our signet rings and the howling thunder of Jägerbombs.


The knights:

Tim Heijmans, Stephan Kok, Maurits Hendriks, John Quilter, Sam de Vries, Yaël de Bot, Victor Evers, Thom van der Zaag, Matthijs Reinhard, Berend Izeboud and Alex Visser

Est. 16th of December 2020

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